Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Become World Conquerors

Hear the Astounding News of How You can BECOME A WORLD CONQUEROR!

Dear Brother / Sister,

Life on earth is a question for many. We daily hear questions such as from where did I come from? Where am I going? What has life in store for me? How will it end? And many such questions.

While living with these unanswered questions all of us have made mistakes by our thoughts and deeds and have fallen short of the purpose of our lives. These mistakes or wrong doings have hurt us and others who live among us. It causes pain of mind, worries and anxieties and thereby we fall sick and loose our happiness and joy. We need help.

However, we do our best to be loosened from sin consciousness by doing lots of charity and good work but never fully recover from them. But there is Hope! and Good News! for us. All our wrong doings from birth to death have been forgiven!

What a message? It’s too good to be True! Yes. The punishment for all your wrong doings were laid upon one JESUS, who was hanged on a cross on a hill called Calvary and died but rose up on the third day, Victorious! He who knew no sin was made a sinner and took upon himself the causes of sins. There is nothing for you to DO anymore! Or even bear the consequences!.

Who is this JESUS? He is the Creator of the Worlds. In him dwelled the fullness of God. He is the propitiation (an atoning sacrifice – the sacrificial lamb) of your sins. Moreover, he is the Coming King of this world! If you realize that you cannot help yourself and you need a Saviour here is a great opportunity!

By confessing him as your Lord (Master) and believing that he is alive you can enter into a new life today. If you had confessed and believed in your heart after reading this message, you have taken the first step to become a World Conqueror!

Right at this moment you (inwardly) are made a new, with new rights and privileges. They are 1) being forgiven of all your sins, 2) healed of all your sicknesses and diseases, 3) become debt free, 4) become prosperous, 5) live a life filled with joy and happiness, 6) live a life of being a blessing to others and above all 7) start enjoying eternal life from now onwards.

Jesus! I accept you as my Lord and Saviour of my life. I put my total trust in you. I believe that you died for my sin of rejecting you and for all my wrong doings. I believe you are alive today and that you have made me a new child of yours. Thank you, Jesus.

Dear Brother/Sister, Welcome to the new family! You will never regret having made this decision in your life but will start exploring the new life of love you received from the Possessor of Heaven and Earth from today into eternity. If you wish to know more about Jesus you may call 077-6068502 or log onto If you desire to study more about Jesus and experience the Supernatural Life you may visit us at JesusAll Bible Centre – Bible College, at No.315/8, Mahawatha Road, Colombo – 14.

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